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DECEMBER 22, 2024



Here’s what’s in store:
 A warm welcome for our new members.

 A getting to know each other activity.
 A powerful workshop: "Why Does Moana Move Us?"
 A private screening of Moana 2, complete with popcorn, drinks, and a sing-along!

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‏Why Does Moana move Us?

Moana is a story about a woman who defied societal expectations, risked everything to follow her calling, and in doing so, saved the lives of the very people whose path she went against. The inner voice guiding her is gentle, feminine, and nurturing, and the strength it takes to follow such a subtle frequency represents the new kind of leadership that is seeking to emerge through each of us today. Supporting her journey are pivotal characters like her grandmother and Te Fiti.
‏Moana’s journey is a call to amplify our inner guidance, to move beyond the fears that hold us back, and to become the change we wish to see in the world.

In this workshop, we will:
🌟 ‏Embark on a journey to reconnect with our purpose
🌟 Create tools with our community to remind ourselves of it in daily life and equip ourselves with an   

      actionable plan and strategy
🌟 Embrace our own hero’s journey

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